Friday, August 21, 2009

Websites or links with malware?

Is there any way to check a website (or even a link) for potential danger BEFORE you click and find out the hard way? How can I know if a site is "bad" other than word of mouth? It seems like every time I run Ad-Aware to scan for malware, dad-gum-it, there's always those pesky "negligible objects" - I know they're not horrible, they're "just" cookie trackers - but, if there wasn't something to them, why does Ad-Aware (%26 other antispyware programs) find them %26 call them to our attention? No matter what I do, I obviously can't avoid the ad companies who insist on letting greed and spyware creeps use us all! Am I wrong? If so, then, help me! In addition to Ad-Aware, I have AVG, Spyware Guard, %26 Windows firewall-any suggestions? BTW, last week I had the Win32 Trojan virus - from where? How did it get past me %26 all these seemingly useless protectors?

Websites or links with malware?vista

McAfee has a free site check and advice service here:

I highly recommend the anti-spyware software that I use, you can get a free 15 day trial of the full program and see what it picks up. You may be surprised to see what it finds.

Regards, Zyfert

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