There is this thing that popped up and says your PC is infected. When I close the pop-up, it loads up this green scanner and starts scanning. Then I closed the icon and tried to remove it in Add/Remove but its not there. I click on the Start menu and see that it has an unistall button. So i click on that and it never did anything...I don't get it...
Is there a FREE Anti-Spyware Remover that I can download to get rid of AWOLA?...I tried downloading all these stupid antispyware that requires you to pay for spyware removal. PLEASE HELP ME!!!
20 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.
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20 hours ago
I've look at other people's suggestions for websites that have "free spyware remover," but they all require me to purchase their Spyware Remover Tool.
Is there any real FREE REMOVER anywhere in this WORLD that I don't have to pay for??? T.T
What is this AWOLA thing and Yellow Triangle w/ ! on my PC???live update
Awola Anti-Spyware 6.0 is a new rogue anti-spyware that can be dangerous for your security and privacy. Awola claims to purchase itself in order to remove reported spyware and adware. But in real Awola produce false positives, it have no spyware detection and removal engine. Awola is a representative of badware family. It can bypass antiviruses and install other spyware to track users activity, save keystrokes and then generate targeted advertisments (pop up's, browser hijackers). Never download Awola, it's useless for spyware removal.
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