Monday, August 17, 2009

I need help plz....i keep gettn error msges...?

everything i click on or try to open or load pc says it has to close it..i have yet to get a real answer on how to stop this from happenin..i think i downloaded somthing bad from limewire.plz give me step by step where i need to go to find programs that ive downloaded that i need to so frustrated..ive been sent to dos prompt,windows regristry,windows explorer,and all kinds of antispyware downloads and nothing is working. even when i try to download a program to help me a error pops up sayn it has to close or there was a problem.someone said i need to update windows esp and disable my reporting my pc is a wreck and i need help and nothing is working..i get all kinds of dwwin.exe errors and other sorts of .exe do i stop all this? i have defender pro installed and so many other spywares and im still having me im losing it here..trojans and viruses and all this crap is maken me nuts...

I need help plz....i keep gettn error msges...?anti virus software

1. Ok, first delete all your anti-virus programs (because they do not work well with each other, that might be the reason you computer does not work well )

2. Now go to and download their free home version of the software (they will sent you a password to your e-mail and you have to put it in when you get on the program.)


4. Scan your computer

5. If it finds the virus and you delete it then everything is good if this keeps happening do PC Recovery (Reboot your whole computer)

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