Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My WinXP Home is acting weird. When I try to do any file cut or copy related functions, explorer han

If I right click on any file based items in XP Home. Explorer hangs and I need to kill and restart it using the task manager. However, I can run other applications, like firefox, while this condition is occurring. Furthermore, after I restart explorer, I can open a drive and double click on any file and it will open. I can then save it to another drive, like a flash or a zip. So, it seems to be the right click menu or anything on that menu that is not working.

Ad an example, I can open MyComputer with a double click and select drive C. I can select any of the menus except "File". As soon as I select file, Explorer hangs.

A basic WD diagnostic says the drive is ok. MS AntiSpyware, AdAware, and SpyBot all found nothing. My next step is a more detailed WD diagnostic.

Anyone seen this or have other suggestions?

My WinXP Home is acting weird. When I try to do any file cut or copy related functions, explorer hangs.?nortan antivirus

This a typical behavior of a computer that is overheating the CPU try checking the cooling fan and if it looks defective replace it immediately b-fore it causes more damage, the Power supply also will cause this to happen but this is more complicated than just replacing the cooling fan. A faulty keyboard an a defective mouse will also provoke this ugly and unkind failure.

My WinXP Home is acting weird. When I try to do any file cut or copy related functions, explorer hangs.?nortonantivirus

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