Monday, August 17, 2009

Speedy Antivirus?

I'm looking for an antivirus/antispyware/antiadware/firewal... program or set of programs that will not consume all of my system resources. I have a notebook and find myself starting up and turning off my computer several times a day, which is a lengthy process with my current antimalware setup. I don't need some "bulletproof super-software", just moderate protection that runs fast. And just in case I'm not asking for enough already, why don't we try and get all of this protection in one suite (for easy disabling for program installation and such).

Speedy Antivirus?windows

go to

download avg for antivirus

and ad-aware for spyware

they are both free and good

Speedy Antivirus?antivirus download

Lavasoft ad-aware se
here is a list of free ones
AVG anti virus... Don't use Norton, Norton is a major system resource hug.
AVG paid version-ultimate

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