Dear Friends,
I have Win Xp OS.
There are system alert message in the task bar -system is effected by malware ,Download Antimalware software.(antivermin ?).I can scanning my system by antivirus,antispyware with latest defination,but problem not solved.
So please tell me how can i removed this pop up.
System Alert Message in the Task bar?systemworks
How to remove AntiVermins (Removal Instructions)
System Alert Message in the Task bar?windows
WOOO reallly infected with ADWARE
DON'T re-format! The software that is responsible for the alert IS ACTUALLY malware! Download Spybot and Ad-Aware and scan your system with both. Also ensure your anti-virus software is functional and up-to-date. Finally, download and install Windows Defender - it has been a stable and highly efficient application long before Microsoft purchased the company that created it originally, and I dare say it has only improved. You may also wish to try running A-squared's HiJackThis on your PC. Good luck!
1st of all don't INSTALL/BUY the FAKE-ANTI-SPYWARE program is dint work, they just want your cash.
download "SmitFrauldFix" it will remove the Trojan (Zlob) that displays the fake warning messages
for more info go to
the best way is to reformat your PC
It's expensive...but it really works!!!
select C drive by browsing- go to document %26 settings than your computer name folder which is folder by your name- than click local settings %26 their you delete all content in folder temp %26 temporary internet files by "ctrl a" "shift+del" %26 enter.Your problem should be solved. Other wise use Ad aware pro. Install %26 update from net %26 run not you but this program, pun intended.
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