Friday, August 21, 2009

What is your favorite question?

Which of the following insightful and frequently asked questions is your favorite?

How do I lose weight quickly and without effort?

Can someone please do my homework for me?

How can I tell if he/she really likes me?

What is your biggest regret in life?

Isn't George Bush/ Bill Clinton (or any other government representative) responsible for 9/11?

Don't you just hate Muslims, Arabs, fags, liberals, conservatives, everyone?

How can I tell if I'm pregnant?

How can I get high quality products for free? (e.g. antispyware software)

What should I be for halloween?

I'm bored. Will you please chat with me?

These are a few that quickly come to mind. Any other "frequent flyer" questions that need to be rejected on submission?

What is your favorite question?virus removal

Any good blond jokes?

Do you hate paris hilton?

How many horses did moses take into the ark?

Does he really like me?

By the way these are not my favorite these are the most boring ones i have heard.

What is your favorite question?anti virus protection

the one that alwaysmakes me laugh is the one that says "can you do myhomework for me?". how does that perosn know if the person doing it for them is even dumber than they are?

P.S. im not dissing neone if they do this b/c i do it too. its just funny now that i think about it.
what must I do to be saved.
What came first, the chicken or the egg.

i have answered that one four times this week i think!
What do I do if I am shy?

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